Hip Replacement


Hip replacement surgery is similar in application to the knee replacement however it is a much less complicated joint to replace. Accordingly, recovery is typically faster and less painful than knee replacement. Due to its proximity to the hip and lack of a bone like the patella to complicate matters, there are significantly less nerve endings that feed the hip than the knee. Additionally, the joint capsule and ligaments tend to allow greater movement likely due to the significant amount of muscle that encases the hip that does not necessitate the ligament and fascia structures that a joint like the knee needs which has fewer muscles to directly stabilize it. Accordingly the recovery is typically less painful.


The initial goals of treatment are the same, reducing pain n swelling, improving ROM and strength however there are usually precautions with limiting ROM at the hip that depend on the approach for putting the replacement in. The posterior approach usually comes with precautions to avoid internal rotation, flexion or crossing the legs for a time. The anterior approach has only minor precautions to not aggressively stretch or progress exercise too quickly. The second stage includes achieving full ROM and improving coordination while allowing the hip to stabilize through healing. The third stage includes progression to prior level of activity, recreation and sport with a transition to an independent home exercise program.