Knee Arthroscopy Therapy

Knee arthroscopy may be performed to correct a number of pathologies at the knee. Most common are listed below:

ACL reconstruction or repair:

The Anterior Cruciate ligament is often ruptured or torn in sports that require quick changes in direction or impact such as soccer, football, and basketball. This ligament is largely responsible for stabilizing the knee in torsion and limiting forward movement of femur on the tibia especially during the deceleration phase of a cut or slowing quickly form a run. Surgery here is designed to bring stability back to the joint with a new ligament reconstructed from tendon or ligament from a cadaver or one’s own graft of the hamstring tendon or patellar tendon.

Meniscus tear:

Meniscus tears are also a common reason to undergo knee arthroscopy. In this procedure, the

Softened cartilage:

This is often associated with overuse, severe mechanical fault at the knee from prior injury or genetics, or repeated compressive trauma to the knee which has damaged the cartilage surfaces of the bone.


Treatment post knee arthroscopy is primarily concerned with reducing inflammation, restoring ROM and building coordination in the muscles during the first stage. The second stage is characterized by building strength and obtaining full ROM and full muscle length. The third stage is characterized by sport specific training, dynamic and even ballistic exercise and preparation to return to full capacity to allow prior level of function.

Recovery from arthroscopy can range from 4 weeks for a simple plica or small meniscus tear debridement to 24 weeks for a full ACL/Meniscus surgery.